Does Kombucha contain Alcohol?

Updated Jan 11, 2024

Alcohol is a byproduct of fermentation and kombucha is a fermented beverage. So does kombucha contain alcohol and how much?

does kombucha contain alcohol

Yes, kombucha contains alcohol. The amount is so small that it is unlikely that the average person would feel any effects from the alcohol. 


Alcohol is a natural byproduct of the fermentation process, similar to what makes wine and beer alcoholic. Since kombucha is a fermented beverage, there is the potential for alcohol to be present in finished kombucha.

Kombucha is made by fermenting sweetened tea with beneficial bacteria and yeast. These microbes work together to transform the sweet tea into great kombucha. First, yeast consumes the sugars transforming them into ethanol. Then the bacteria digest the ethanol, turning it into acids and flavor compounds which gives kombucha its distinctively sour taste. The bacteria don’t consume all of the ethanol, so some is left in the finished kombucha, making the kombucha slightly alcoholic.

HOW MUCH ALCOHOL is in kombucha?

The Food and Drug Administration legally requires any beverages containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) to be labelled as an alcoholic beverage so most store bought brands of kombucha contain less than this amount. You don’t have to be 21 to buy kombucha as long as the alcohol content is under 0.5% ABV. Your homemade kombucha can contain more alcohol than commercial produced varieties, because the fermentation conditions (temperature and duration) are often less controlled. In general if the yeast are more active, such as when they are working under warmer temperatures or for a longer time, more alcohol will remain in the finished kombucha, ranging from 0.5% to 2% ABV. It’s rare that homebrewed kombucha to ever exceeds 2% ABV. At that point, the kombucha will likely be too vinegary and effervescent to be drinkable. And you’d still have to drink about 10 bottles of it to even feel a slight “buzz.”


To get the effects of alcohol similar to 1 beer, you’d have to drink 10 times the amount of kombucha (at least 1/2 gallon!). Therefore, you’re not likely to feel any effects from the alcohol in a bottle of kombucha. 

If you are trying to reduce alcohol intake you and try adding some seltzer water to your kombucha to dilute it or try making a kombucha mocktail. 


Hard kombucha is an alcoholic kombucha made in a similar way to regular kombucha but increased sugar and yeast to bump up the alcohol content. Hard kombucha ranges in alcohol content anywhere from 3% to 8% ABV.

There are also a wide variety of kombucha seltzers and kombucha cocktails that you could make if you are looking for something with a bit more alcohol.

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