Kombucha Experiments

Gathering and tracking ideas for kombucha brewing experiments

kombucha experiments

I’m always on the lookout for new process and ingredient ideas and new flavors. I

Since the blog is so new, I have only gathered ideas here and plan to link to a page with the full details as I complete them. 

If you have and idea for an experiment, shoot me an email or add a comment below and I’ll give you a nod if I do one you suggest.

Active/Completed Kombucha Experiments

Malt Kombucha (May 2023) – Using dried malt extract, starter tea and SCOBY to make kombucha without tea.

Kombucha without a  SCOBY (January 2024) – Fermentation of Kombucha without a SCOBY side by side with the same batch with a SCOBY (in-progress)

Kombucha vs. Vinegar Shrubs – for cocktails and mocktails

Future Kombucha Experment Ideas

Fermentation Kombucha Experiment Ideas

Ideas and results (coming soon) for experiments during primary fermentation

  • All fruit primary fermentation
  • Include Yerbe Mate in primary in differing ratios
  • Use of different teas (other than black and green) in primary fermentation to understand the affects on flavor
  • Time and temperature and pH during fermentation
  • Coffee instead of tea in primary
  • Different Sugars in Primary: Brown sugar, Fresh fruit juice, Maple syrup, Molasses
  • Maltodextrin to add body and mouthfeel

Flavoring Kombucha Experiment Ideas

  • Flavoring with oil of Bergamot with a 100% black tea to simulate the flavor of Earl Grey Tea.  Normally, using Earl Grey tea as the base might kill your SCOBY due to the essential oils, so you only want to add them afterward
  • Secondary with coffee
  • Chia Seeds
  • Lactose in flavoring
  • Using clarifying agents
  • Keging Kombucha

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Helping you learn to brew kombucha, find inspiration for new kombucha flavors and use kombucha to make kombucha mocktails