Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha

Updated Jan 19, 2024
A decadent and healthy drink, Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha combines the ingredients of Mexican Hot Chocolate and Kombucha
mexican hot chocolate kombucha

This is another indulgent, dessert style kombucha similar to mint chocolate chip kombucha in that it utilizes cacao nibs to impart rich, chocolatey flavors into the kombucha. The combination of the Oolong tea kombucha base, cacao nibs, chili peppers, cinnamon and vanilla combine to form a decadent yet healthy drink.

For this recipe I used Fresno peppers; however, use any variety you have on hand or can readily find. I think cayenne and jalapeno would be great choices and personally would like to try using some home-smoked chipotle peppers for the added smoky dimension.

For your next batch try making a couple bottles of this decadent, healthy drink. Once you try it will be added to your your regular rotation.

mexican hot chocolate kombucha bottles - close

Kombucha Fermentation Overview

There are two fermentation phases when making kombucha:

Primary Fermentation: This is when you transform sweet tea into tart and tasty kombucha. Get all the details at my article on how to make kombucha.

Secondary Fermentation: This is when you carbonate your homemade kombucha by adding flavors (like cacao nibs, cinnamon, vanilla and chili peppers) and sugars and bottling it.

In order to make this Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha, you will need to have completed the first fermentation already and have some kombucha that’s ready to be carbonated!
mexican hot chocolate kombucha

Preparing for Secondary Fermentation

This recipe makes about 7 x 16 fluid ounce bottles of finished kombucha (from a 1-gallon batch of unflavored homemade kombucha aka from your primary fermentation). 

Reserve 2 cups (about 16 oz / 0.47L) kombucha and your SCOBY from your completed primary fermentation and set aside – you will use this as your starter for your next gallon batch of kombucha. 

With your kombucha starter tea and SCOBY placed aside, you now have enough kombucha left to flavor and fill your bottles. This guide assumes are using 16 oz. glass bottles which are a popular choice for kombucha; however, there are many options for bottling kombucha. 

glasses of mexican hot chocolate kombucha bottles

Ingredients to make Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha

Kombucha Finished kombucha from your first fermentation is the base to which you will add the Mexican Hot Chocolate flavors.

Oolong tea: Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that falls between green and black tea in terms of oxidation, flavor, and health benefits. It is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that are partially oxidized, giving it a unique taste that is both floral and fruity. Oolong tea is known for its complex flavor profile, which can range from light and fresh to rich and full-bodied, depending on the variety and processing methods.

Cacao nibs: Cacao nibs are small pieces of crushed cacao beans (also called cocoa beans)  with a bitter, chocolatey flavor. You can find them at most homebrewing shops and online. online (affiliate link ↗).

Vanilla: There are several types of vanilla, typically named for where they are grown. Each type of vanilla bean has a very unique flavor.
Madagascar is the most popular type and Indian is a consistent favorite. Each type is slightly different:

Madagascar Vanilla – rich and creamy. The most popular vanilla and most widely available
Mexican Vanilla – bold, dark, smoky notes.
Indian Vanilla – full bodied, chocolate notes. One of the favorites among vanilla lovers.
Indonesian Vanilla – mild, well balanced. A good choice for kombucha.
Tahitian Vanilla – floral, notes of cherries and chocolate.

Here is a comprehensive article all about vanilla

Cinnamon Sticks: Cinnamon is spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon adds warm, sweet, and slightly spicy flavors that perfectly that complement the fresh apple flavors.

Chili peppers: Chili peppers are technically fruits; however, chili peppers don’t bring the sweet, juicy flavors one expects from summer fruit. Chilies can present a wide variety of flavors and levels of heat. The heat of chili peppers is measured in Scoville units ranging from 0 (bell peppers) to 25,000 (jalapenos) to 2,000,000 (Carolina reaper).

For this recipe I used Fresno peppers which are like jalapeno peppers, but a bit spicer, and sweeter. They are glossy, firm, and medium thickness in flesh. I find they bring just the right amount of flavor and heat to kombucha and are easy to find.

Sugar: A touch of additional sugar for bacteria and yeast to feed on which creates carbonation–extra fizzy goodness. When filling 16 ounce bottles I’ve found a sugar cube has the right amount of sugar (1 tsp) for carbonation and is a convenient way to add the right amount without the mess.

How to make Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha

Making your own Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha is really easy and fun! Here is an overview of the process.

Add Flavors: Divide cacao nibs, vanilla, chili pepper, cinnamon, and sugar between the bottles.

Bottle: Transfer kombucha to fermentation bottles.

Condition: For 3 to 10 days, until it reaches the carbonation level you like.

Enjoy: Chill in the fridge before serving and strain out fruit pieces when pouring (optional)

mexican hot chocolate kombucha bottle - top

Mexican Hot Chocolate Kombucha Recipe

Yield:  7 bottles • Active time: 20 minutes •  Total time: 3 -10 days

A great after dinner kombucha instead of dessert
mexican hot chocolate kombucha

This recipe assumes you are doing a secondary fermentation (flavoring and carbonation) in the bottle. You may also incorporate a third fermentation using the same proportions but following the third fermentation steps.


1 gallon homemade kombucha from a first fermentation, 3.7 L – made with Oolong tea.  Black tea will also work well

1/2 cup cacao nibs

1 fresh vanilla bean

7 small, hot peppers, such as Fresno, stems removed

2 cinnamon sticks, each broken into 3 pieces

7 sugar cubes or 2 Tbs white sugar 12 g


Make Kombucha: If you haven’t already, make a 1 gallon batch of kombucha using Oolong Tea and let it ferment until ready for flavoring. For details see step 2 of how to make kombucha.

Prepare Ingredients: Remove stems from peppers and slice into 1/4 rings, break cinnamon sticks into 3 pieces each and cut vanilla bean into 7 small pieces.

Flavor: Evenly divide cacao nibs, vanilla bean, chili pepper and cinnamon sticks between the bottles

Sweeten: Add one sugar cube per 16 bottle or evenly divide sugar between bottles (about 1 tsp per 16 0z bottle)

Bottle: Transfer kombucha into fermentation bottles, leaving about 1 inch empty at the top. Seal tightly.

Ferment: Place in a dark, room temperature area for 3 to 10 days, until it reaches the carbonation level you like. This process will go faster in warmer climates, and slower in cooler climates.

Enjoy: Chill your Mexican Hot Chocolate kombucha bottles in the fridge before serving and strain the kombucha to remove flavoring pieces when serving (optional).

Homemade kombucha can be stored in the fridge, tightly sealed, for several weeks.

Tips & Tricks:

Make sweet tea for your next batch the night before you flavor and bottling and let it cool on the stove overnight so that you can flavor your kombucha and get your next batch started at the same time.

If this is your first time brewing, it may be helpful to use a plastic water bottle as a gauge. Fill a recyclable plastic bottle with kombucha (leaving 1.5 inches empty at the top). When this bottle becomes rock hard, you’ll know the glass bottles are also ready. This will help you gauge how long it take for kombucha to carbonate your climate and will prevent bottle explosions.

Nutrition Information:

Serving size:1/2 bottle (1 cup) Calories: 50kcal (3%) Carbohydrates: 12g (4%) Sodium: 10mg Sugar: 10g (11%)

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